Bhagavad Gita
1. I feel like Arjuna when it comes to caring and loving for my family and friends and not wanting to hurt them. I would not ever want war to affect them or to kill them, just like Arjuna.
2. You could apply this message to your life in a good way or bad way. You could use it for harm, and hurt other people. But you could also you it for peace to not worry so much about everything, because this life will not matter later on. It depends on the person and how their soul is.
3. The ancient Indian and current Americans versions of pursuing ones duty would be very different. The Indians could see it as a way to go to war and kill people, or to follow what their family may want them to do since their life will not be affected later on. While Americans may see it as a way to follow their dreams now. They could spend all their money on random things, or even possibly be mean to people. But it would be very different from India because of the different societies that are inhabited.
4. This Bhagavad Gita could easily be a tool of oppression in Ancient India because it teaches that this life is not important, for you will be reborn again. The soul never dies. So in Ancient India, they could kill or harm whomever they wanted, and justify it with this writing; creating oppression.